Monday, August 4, 2014

Pleasure Pier

     When Beth and I were in Galveston, we went to pleasure pier. We rode a lot of the rides, and had a lot of fun. Aunt Mary and Aunt Kathy rode on the Ferris wheel with us. They couldn't ride any of the other rides because they get motion sickness. We had a lot of fun that day and I hope to go back sometime.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Beach at the night

This summer Emma, Aunt Kathy, Grandma, and Beth went to Galveston for a girls trip for 5 days. The day we arrived we went to aunt Mary's house and I showed Emma around the house and then Ashely and Audrey came over and we were playing with them. At 7:00
we went to the beach and we stayed there until 8:30. While we were there we ate dinner and the 4 girls went into the ocean and we were surf boarding, playing in the sand, swimming, and jumping the waves. While we were eating dinner some birds came and tried to eat our food but Emma and I were sooo scared so we left and I went to the car to finish my dinner and Emma went back into the ocean and threw her dinner away. 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Dairy Queen trip!

Ok, so every year in the summer all my cousins and I go to my grandmas house for what we call Nana Camp. One of the traditions we do every year is go to Dairy Queen. We did that this evening. It was fun. When we got there and we all piled out of the car, I was looking for my cousin Harper. I turned around and she was asleep in her car seat. I got her out and carried her inside. We all ordered our desserts and had fun together! On the
way home, my Aunt Nene taught us this really funny song! Beth and I were cracking up the entire time because it was so funny. It was a really fun evening and I was so happy to spend time with my cousins and sisters!
Here is a picture of Harper and me before we left my house to go to my Nana's house!


Friday, June 20, 2014

Before I got sent off

Last night 6-19-14 aunt Carolyn, Aunt Nene, aunt Kathy, Aunt Debi, Emma, Maggie, Katie, Grandma, and I all went to have a dessert. We went to have dessert at la madeleine. We got there at 7:30 and we didn't leave until 8:40. We went so I could say good-bye to everyone since I won't see them for 10 days since I'm going out of town. That's a long time for me not to see my cousins and aunts. 

When we got to the place we ordered dessert and I ordered me some dinner since I didn't have any dinner before I went! Well we had some problems with the dessert because we didn't know what we ordere and why we had soo much. But we finally gotten it all straighten out. Before we all left we talked about what I'm going to do in Salt Lake City and we prayed about it! 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Real job for Beth

Good afternoon,

I wanted to tell u guys that this is a real job I'm doing now. So when I say I have to go to work its true I'm actually getting paid for this job. But in my case as y'all all know I'm going to be a dental assistant because I love it. 
I'm starting to work for  Drew Moore he's a oral surgeon. We don't really use him that much but we do on some occasions. So I'm Never going to put that opportunity down to go and work for some one else. 

In the mean time they work next to a pediatric dentist name Jason Clapp. Jason's office was at the party and they overheard I'm going to go and work for Drew's office, Jason's crew e-mailed me last week and asked me if I could come and work with them as well. 
So I'm not only going to be working for my dad now and doing my internship job I'm going to now be working for 2 other dentists! 

A little side note she's not a dentist she's a lab tech names Mary Sloan she has her own place at her house and so I'm going to be going to work for her too sometime soon. I done it a couple of summers ago a bunch of times but than we stopped because she didn't think I was old enough yet with the stuff I was using. Since I was 13 but were starting that back up soon so I'll be with her a lot. 

I'm going every week either 2 times a day or 3 times a day every week they will let me know tomorrow. Tuesday, Thursday, and Fridays. I have scrubs, shoes and a name tag that says BethStewart Dental assistant- works for Drew Moore. When I went last week I got to do an impression on someone and I got to help assist on the patient. Drew is an oral surgeon so what we/ he does 2times more than what a dentist does but very bloody too. 

I go to to help stitch this patient up and every thing. So I'm a part time staff. I'm actually getting paid too when I work for them and will be put on there web site too. 
I go at 9:00-5:30 too! 

Beth Stewart

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Aunt Kathy, Alex, Emma and Beth Shopping

This Thursday May 29th Aunt Kathy, Emma, Alex and Beth went shopping in Dallas. Before we went to Dallas Aunt Kathy picked Alex and Beth up at 10:00 and we went to StarBucks. When we got to Starbucks Aunt Kathy was getting out and she tripped over a carb and fell on the sidewalk by the front door. Two ladies were sitting outside and so they helped her get up. Emma, Alex and Beth were laughing sooo hard we couldn't stop because it was funny. We were glad Aunt Kathy didn't break anything though. When we went to order our drinks the guy gave Aunt Kathy her drink for free since she fell. We went shopping because Aunt Kathy had a $100.00 gold coin someone gave her as a gift so she wanted to spend it. We we went to Nordstroms to shop and then we went out to the mall and shopped a for awhile in different stores. Alex and Aunt Kathy bought somethings. For lunch we went to the food court and Alex and Emma got Chick Fla A, Beth got Panda Express and Aunt Kathy got a salad. While we were eating lunch we were telling funny stories about each other.

After we finished with lunch we went and shopped for a few more minutes and than we left because Aunt Kathy had to be in Forth Worth at 6:00 but it was already 3:00 so we had to hurry back home. Aunt Kathy had to take Emma, Alex and Beth home too. For dessert we went and got some cake balls and those were sooo yummy.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Early Mother's Day

Last Saturday 5/10/14 aunt Mary came into town. She was here for Mother's Day and all of her 5 sisters and my cousins came over to aunt Nene's house at 1:30 to eat lunch and to see her. We all stayed until 6:00 PM. To see her and we talked and had dessert. Durning that time we took pictures with each other and we just sat around telling funny stories and stories of us when we were little it was soo much fun. She was here to see her mom.