Monday, June 17, 2013

Last Christmas

   I know that this isn't very recent, but it is a really funny story that Beth and I love to tell.
   Last year over Christmas break, all of our family went to the lake house for our annual cowboy Christmas. When we go there, all of the older kids usually go stay at my grandmas house at night so that there will be more room to sleep.
   This particular night, Maggie and Christie were sleeping in one room, while Beth and I slept in another with our Aunt Kathy. We stayed up really late, and while we were trying to go to sleep, Aunt Kathy kept making us laugh. We would start laughing and then she would pretend to be mad at us and she would tell us to be quiet and go to sleep, which that made us laughing even more. 
   We were all sleeping in the same bed, so it was really cramped. She kept slapping our legs and doing funny stuff, then she would jokingly blame it on us. It was so funny!
   When we were about to fall asleep, she all of a sudden jumped out of the bed and got down on her hands and knees. Then she crawled into the other room were Christie and Maggie were sleeping. She jumped up on their bed and yelled. It woke both of them up. 
   It was one of the funniest nights of my life. I don't think that I have ever laughed so much at one time!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's the funniest story and funniest thing she ha ever done!