Sunday, January 5, 2014


This Christmas was Olympic Christmas. Aunt Debi's family was In charge of it. The families had teams and a chant they had to make so we could share them with each other! Well most of the day Saturday we played games so that families could win points. A couple of games I can remember are 1. Put a cookie on your face and make it go in your mouth with out using your hands or someone helping. 2. Put a napkin in your mouth and adding the whole napkin in your mouth without hands or help 3. Game we did was were u get a stick and you spin 15 times and jump and then they measure how far you jumped. 4. Game was were you stand in a circle and you get a weight ball and throw it as far as you can and measure how far it went and the 5. Game was calls people to people were u have a partner and someone says hand to foot, or eye to nose so on and so far and when you say people to people u have to run and find someone whoever is the last person to find someone on your team is out for that game. It was soo fun and funny! 

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